Dr. Steven M. Melemis
I have an M.D. and Ph.D. from the University of Toronto, and a Postdoctoral Fellowship from the University of California at Berkeley. I have received the honor of Fellow of the Royal Society of Medicine. I am an emeritus physician, and my practice was devoted to addictions and mood disorders. Currently my focus is on writing about addictions and mental health and helping to educate individuals, their families and health professionals.
Medical Licenses
I am an emeritus physician in good standing with:
- The Medical Council of Canada
- The National Board of Medical Examiners
Past Positions
- Medical Inspector for the College of Physicians and Surgeons of Ontario
- Clinical Advisor to the Physician Health Program of the Ontario Medical Association
- Vice-Chair of Addiction Medicine for the Ontario Medical Association
- Fellow of the Royal Society of Medicine
I have lectured widely on addiction medicine and mood disorders.to the public and to health professionals. I have been interviewed for television, radio, and print. I have been a consultant to employee assistance programs, counsellors, corporations, and professional organizations. I have served as Medical Inspector for the College of Physicians and Surgeons of Ontario, as Clinical Advisor to the Physician Health Program of the Ontario Medical Association, and as Vice-Chair of Addiction Medicine for the Ontario Medical Association.
I developed the province-wide guidelines used by the College of Physicians and Surgeons of Ontario in the assessment of substance abuse cases. I developed the detox protocols used by a number of hospitals and detox facilities.
It's been an honor and a privilege to have worked in addiction medicine. I have had a chance to see firsthand the strengths and weaknesses of the human spirit, and to learn about its indomitable nature. My patients have been extremely generous with their knowledge and experience, and I would like to use this opportunity to say thank you. I hope this website does justice to the many things they have taught me.